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Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Ghost Hunting & Paranormal tv

It amazes me as a psychic to see how far things have come in such a short time really. We have so many paranormal based shows's from Ghost Hunters aka Taps, to the newest of them all Extream Paranormal which has been a two episode trial and I am sure will be picked up soon.

Being a life long psychic it took me a long time to come to grips with the things I see , feel and experience myself. During that time paranormal has gone from taboo to accepted by millions today.

The ones who started the entire tv craze is Most Haunted from the UK . This is also one of the few who use mediums , psychics and intuatives to help in their investigations. Off the top of my head I think they have been onair for 13 seasons with specials as well. What followed was a whole stream of various takes on ghost hunting PRS or Paranormal State is the one I like due to the fact they truely do their best to help people as well as the investigation end of things. Then we have Taps / Ghost Hunters which spun off into GHI the Eropian version of the show investigating all over the world. Celebrity Ghost hunters a short lives series , Extream paranormal & Ghost Lab . There is also a long time series for kids on ytv called Ghost Trackers where every week two ghost hunting teens take on the latest location and are then voted on by peers as to who did the best investigation. And lets not forget our two favorite lady's Jackie Dennison and Christine Hamlett in Rescue Mediums  then Jackie Dennison teams up with a new psychic medium, Alison Wynne-Ryder in the new series.

Some deal with helping those reporting hauntings and others are more about debunking or proving the reality of the paranormal events. I am sure there are some I haven't talked about here but the point is this show's how much things have grown in the acceptance of the paranormal. Even the prime time tv viewing with show's like Medium, Ghost wisperer and more.

Yes this seems to be the age of paranormal tv,books, movies etc. Inspiring thousands of new groups for discusion as well as hunting activity themselves.

As for me...... more is not  necessarily better although opening anyones mind to the unknown and paranormal is a plus. You still have to weigh reality from not and theatrics from the real evidence that has been and is being produced by many. Keep an open mind and keep searching folks the truth is out there. I have often said in every myth or historical story a seed of truth is at the centre.

                                     Love & Light DJ

Posted by DJ at 5:18 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 October 2009 9:04 PM EDT

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