Today is the day............ all of us have issues and things from our past and dreams or goals for the future. Both of these have an effect on our direction. But when it comes down to it the only thing we truely control is this moment right now. You can choose how you react to the things of the past or combination of that and the challenges of today. It is the combination of life experiences that make us who we are and if your looking for change then (Today is your day) You have the choice right now to make things better.
I learned long ago the things of the past can be painful and troubling but what does that do for you today? What does getting down or upset about those things now do for you? I chose to not worry one more minute no more waisting of time on things I can't change. I am not saying to forget those things of the past since they are very real and very personal to you. All I am saying is you can choose to let them stay in the past and not effect your emotional self today. Make plans for the future . All goals start with a dream and then a direction to become a goal. And you have the power today how you react to , choose from or direct your future.
When I was first diagnosed and became disabled it was a blow for me and my family. I've lived in pain for a long time and when it first happened I lost almost everything but my wife and kids. When your working along and doing well in the world and have a sudden physical ailment resulting in sudden income loss. Well lets just say the cards fall fast and things start to go away. On top of it there was nothing I could do about it due to my physical condition. My point is this I could have chosen to live with the poor me's and think what I could have done differently. But I choose to keep fighting for a better life. Sometimes it's only one day at a time . Make the best of life lemmons and all one day at a time until it gets better. The clouds will eventually clear and life will start to look better for each of's our choice.
So what do you think is today your day? ........ just a few thoughts is all.......D