I recently watched season 3 episode 1 of Destination Truth- for those who do not watch this program it's a investigative show looking into Myths, paranormal & the unusual.
This episode they were in Romania where many reports of strange sightings, sounds and more. Mostly centred around a large circular clearing where nothing grows. I honestly wasn't expecting much since you hear so much about Romania and the reports over the yrs with not a great amount of evidence.
It turned out to be a very exciting episode though with everything from the roof coming off the plane they chartered to see the clearing. To Evp's , Photo's and the most amazing pc of video evidence I think I have seen in yrs. Where a grown man sitting vanish's is seconds. The team also had the reports of sudden illness and headaches come true as well. Josh the host of the show was so mystified by the evidence he involved the fella's at Taps to review the evidence.
If you have a chance have a look at this show on you tube I will post the link and let me know your thoughts on this episode. The reactions and the evidence tell me they had a very scary time in those woods...... you decide.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP9O_obUeSM this link will take you to part one of Destination Truth episode 1 Season 3.
Can't wait to hear your thoughts on this ............. DJ