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Friday, 27 November 2009
Psychic's/Medium's Crime and Cold Cases

Working on cold cases and crimes is nothing new for psychic's/Medium's. I was recently asked why we don't see more of it? For one thing alot of crime/coldcases are not in the news esp. if it's an older case. For another thing they are very demanding to work on. Emotionally and energy wise these cases are very draining on us. The recent case I am working on there has been a couple of times I was so overwelmed with what I had experienced it litterally put me in bed for hours. On the other hand I have had cases that were so simple and easy to get the information on. You have to not only be pretty good at deciphering info from the case but you must also be emotionally stable enough to handle experincing the crime. Which can be very difficult in most cases your dealing with very violent deaths.

Years ago when I received information on the Bernardo case I had to take a long break from doing these kind of cases due to the disturbing nature of the crimes and the things I seen and experienced via my gifts. It was good to get the information I recieved and to have an arrest shortly after is  great. I am not saying I solved this case by anymeans but any info that helped in any way  that is the important thing here to pass it along to the authorities.

Factor in also most victims of these crimes have died suddenly and horifficly. In most of these cases they have not crossed to the light and become a ghost. Ghosts are netorious for being tricksters and that makes their direct information not reliable. So to get the information a medium has to channel this entity. That is the hard part taking in a huge amount of emotional information and then decoding all of it. It' like a massive download ...........

I will post more information when I can . At this time all I can say is the information collected to date has been forwarded to the police for followup.

I do hope this answers a bit about how , why and how hard it can be to work on such things for us. At the same time there is nothing more satisfying than to help a entity cross to the light in peace and to have justice finnally. There are many documented cases of psychic's / Medium's helping and getting convictions on cold cases. I do wish more of us would step up and try to help as I said before any information that helps is important.

love and light DJ.

Posted by DJ at 2:54 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 20 December 2010 3:14 PM EST
Friday, 6 November 2009
Darin James update
Mood:  caffeinated

Hello...... Darin James here..... it truely has been an amazing time as of late. I have been helping clients with their struggles of life and helping with spirits who come through. The Devils night event went great we had a full turnout and everyone was very pleased with the results they received.

The night almost came to a hault from the get go ...... soon as I walked in I could sence the presence of an older woman who seriously was unimpressed with my partner Judy and I. The spirit litterally said " I don't like you and what you represent get out of my house!" Well needless to say I was very surprised by that one. But I had to do somthing and fast. So I went in the area I was using for readings that night and found my wife Tracey & Judy the other psychic helping me . I told them what happened and Judy said"I felt a very unhappy presence myself". So we had a conversation with the spirit who we found out was the former home owner who had passed fairly recently in the home . The new owners it turns out knew about her and felt her in the home since they moved in. I found this out after we delt with the issue at hand.

So anyways to make a long story short her Name is Gwen I called her by her last name though Mrs ##### sorry for privacy I am leaving her name out. They had raised their family in this house and it turns out it was the second house built in the area. She said we could proceed and kept vigil over us during the first readings Judy and I did. After that she seemed find with what we were doing and like that we were helping others. Mrs. #### had messages for the neighbours who she knew well and helped to bring in the neighbours brother and father which made for a wonderful reading for him. Another spirit who was the mother of the hostess and her sister who was present had messages for both of the ladies and took her youngest daughters friend who passed just two weeks earlier to the other side.

This is just some of what happened on the devils night event. As I said all in all it was a wonderful time for all of us.

I do find it hard when a person wants to speek to or hear from a loved one but they are either not coming through or have not returned from the other side. What I mean by that is when a person pass's they still are who they are in essence . In most cases after a short period of time ( mind you time and space have no meaning on the other side) they usually go to what I call heaven but there are many names for it. When they are there I can't  contact them . Not until they return if they decide to return that is.It is when they return that they become a spirit of good energy. The ones who pass and do not go over to the other side run the risk of becoming ghosts . This is just what I have come across in my many yrs as a medium. You can read more about this on my site www.darinjamesonline.com .

For the most part though I wanted to say that I have noticed more spirit activity than usual. More are coming through, more reports of paranormal events happening and more people with the gifts are exploring their tallents. You can see this in society by all the tv shows , books and refferences there are to the paranormal and ghosts lately.

It is definately keeping myself and other psychic mediums busy thats for sure. Thank you to all who have come to seem me or taken part in the events . All the letters and notes are very much appreciated keep them coming. I do my best to answer personally and help as many people as I can. Until next time Love & Light DJ.

Posted by DJ at 4:21 PM EST
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Ghost Hunting & Paranormal tv

It amazes me as a psychic to see how far things have come in such a short time really. We have so many paranormal based shows's from Ghost Hunters aka Taps, to the newest of them all Extream Paranormal which has been a two episode trial and I am sure will be picked up soon.

Being a life long psychic it took me a long time to come to grips with the things I see , feel and experience myself. During that time paranormal has gone from taboo to accepted by millions today.

The ones who started the entire tv craze is Most Haunted from the UK . This is also one of the few who use mediums , psychics and intuatives to help in their investigations. Off the top of my head I think they have been onair for 13 seasons with specials as well. What followed was a whole stream of various takes on ghost hunting PRS or Paranormal State is the one I like due to the fact they truely do their best to help people as well as the investigation end of things. Then we have Taps / Ghost Hunters which spun off into GHI the Eropian version of the show investigating all over the world. Celebrity Ghost hunters a short lives series , Extream paranormal & Ghost Lab . There is also a long time series for kids on ytv called Ghost Trackers where every week two ghost hunting teens take on the latest location and are then voted on by peers as to who did the best investigation. And lets not forget our two favorite lady's Jackie Dennison and Christine Hamlett in Rescue Mediums  then Jackie Dennison teams up with a new psychic medium, Alison Wynne-Ryder in the new series.

Some deal with helping those reporting hauntings and others are more about debunking or proving the reality of the paranormal events. I am sure there are some I haven't talked about here but the point is this show's how much things have grown in the acceptance of the paranormal. Even the prime time tv viewing with show's like Medium, Ghost wisperer and more.

Yes this seems to be the age of paranormal tv,books, movies etc. Inspiring thousands of new groups for discusion as well as hunting activity themselves.

As for me...... more is not  necessarily better although opening anyones mind to the unknown and paranormal is a plus. You still have to weigh reality from not and theatrics from the real evidence that has been and is being produced by many. Keep an open mind and keep searching folks the truth is out there. I have often said in every myth or historical story a seed of truth is at the centre.

                                     Love & Light DJ

Posted by DJ at 5:18 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 October 2009 9:04 PM EDT
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Destination Truth -

I recently watched season 3 episode 1 of Destination Truth- for those who do not watch this program it's a investigative show looking into Myths, paranormal & the unusual.

This episode they were in Romania where many reports of strange sightings, sounds and more. Mostly centred around a large circular clearing where nothing grows. I honestly wasn't expecting much since you hear so much about Romania and the reports over the yrs with not a great amount of evidence.

It turned out to be a very exciting episode though with everything from the roof coming off the plane they chartered to see the clearing. To Evp's , Photo's and the most amazing pc of video evidence I think I have seen in yrs. Where a grown man sitting vanish's is seconds. The team also had the reports of sudden illness and headaches come true as well. Josh the host of the show was so mystified by the evidence he involved the fella's at Taps to review the evidence.

If you have a chance have a look at this show on you tube I will post the link and let me know your thoughts on this episode. The reactions and the evidence tell me they had a very scary time in those woods...... you decide.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP9O_obUeSM this link will take you to part one of Destination Truth episode 1 Season 3.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts on this ............. DJ

Posted by DJ at 12:36 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 September 2009 12:37 PM EDT
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Today is the day

Today is the day............ all of us have issues and things from our past and dreams or goals for the future. Both of these have an effect on our direction. But when it comes down to it the only thing we truely control is this moment right now. You can choose how you react to the things of the past or combination of that and the challenges of today. It is the combination of life experiences that make us who we are and if your looking for change then (Today is your day) You have the choice right now to make things better.

I learned long ago the things of the past can be painful and troubling but what does that do for you today? What does getting down or upset about those things now do for you? I chose to not worry one more minute no more waisting of time on things I can't change. I am not saying to forget those things of the past since they are very real and very personal to you. All I am saying is you can choose to let them stay in the past and not effect your emotional self today. Make plans for the future . All goals start with a dream and then a direction to become a goal. And you have the power today how you react to , choose from or direct your future.

When I was first diagnosed and became disabled it was a blow for me and my family. I've lived in pain for a long time and when it first happened I lost almost everything but my wife and kids. When your working along and doing well in the world and have a sudden physical ailment resulting in sudden income loss. Well lets just say the cards fall fast and things start to go away. On top of it there was nothing I could do about it due to my physical condition. My point is this I could have chosen to live with the poor me's and think what I could have done differently. But I choose to keep fighting for a better life. Sometimes it's only one day at a time . Make the best of life lemmons and all one day at a time until it gets better. The clouds will eventually clear and life will start to look better for each of us......it's our choice.

So what do you think is today your day? ........ just a few thoughts is all.......D

Posted by DJ at 2:09 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 30 August 2009 4:13 PM EDT
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Mustard Seed of Faith
Now Playing: All it takes is a seed of faith to create the reality

The Mustard Seed -

The smallest seed that becomes a huge tree . This has been used in various religions and faiths over the ages. Here are two of the most popular references to the Mustard Seed parables: 

Matthew 17:19-20  "Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, 'Why could we not cast it out?' He said to them, 'Because of your little faith. For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

Luke 17:5-6 "The apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase our faith!' The Lord replied. 'If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you.'"

In my studdies as well as my work visualization comes up alot. And it is a very helpful tool. That got me thinking I have used this method so many times and had results. But it still wasn't enough for me. So my wife and I came up with the idea of Mustard seed touchstones. Basically a touch stone of varrious shapes , clear with a single mustard seed within. We made a few for ourselves one in a coin mold , a rock and several others. I have to tell you for us this intensified the entired experience of believing in the faith using a mustard seed. No matter what we were believing for having that seed in my hand, or pocket or just sitting on the table in front of me. I could truely see and feel what I was meant to feel in that perable about the mustard seed. ( you only need the faith of a mustard seed ) ( believe and it shall come unto you) . On bad days or those moments of low faith we pull out that seed and think of what it means . It just makes so much of a difference for us to hold it and see it. Rather than to only picture the seed in your mind.

If anyone would like their very own mustard seed touchtone just drop us an e mail darinjames@darinjamesonline.com or to just have a look go to http://members.tripod.com/gypsy_1701/ibelieveintheseed/

Put some power behind your believing by holding this hand made mustard seed touchstone. It helps us ....now it can help you to.

Posted by DJ at 1:06 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 26 July 2009 1:32 PM EDT
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: The Blog begins

Hello and welcome to my blog........ here is where I will talk about everything and answers to your questions as well.

My take on things as a Father , Husband, Psychic/Medium as well as the sum of life experiences thus far.

feel free to mail me darinjames@darinjamesonline.com

We can talk about anything here nothing is off topic. So here we go .......................

Posted by DJ at 1:00 PM EDT

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